Vision Zero Cancer

Our aim is to transform cancer from a deadly to a curable or chronic disease. But there is no single answer as to how. What we do know is that no one can do it on their own. And that we need to think in new ways. Vision Zero Cancer works mission oriented, making sure diverse actors meet so that we together can reorient and adapt for a healthier and more sustainable future.

About us

Our aim is to transform cancer from a deadly to a curable or chronic disease. But there is no single answer as to how. What we do know is that no one can do it on their own. And that we need to think in new ways. Vision Zero Cancer works mission oriented, making sure diverse actors meet so that we together can reorient and adapt for a healthier and more sustainable future.

That is why we have established an innovation hub, which inclusively engages partners from all sectors and disciplines to jointly create the long-term conditions necessary to achieve the vision. This innovation hub is Vision Zero Cancer. Research and innovation must be more quickly integrated into healthcare to benefit patients and society. We want research and innovation to benefit patients and society faster. We're the bridge connecting patients, healthcare, academia, businesses, and politics all striving for the same goal. That no one should have to die from cancer!

Our purpose  

To find new and novel ways of collaborating to strengthen Swedish cancer care

Our goal

To put the vision that no one should die from cancer in practice

Building a stronger society through innovation and collaboration

Mission-driven innovation facilitates change in complex adaptive systems by convening and enabling a coalition of the willing who share an overarching vision and working principles. In the sense of ‘luck favours the prepared’, missions aim to optimally use as well as create novel opportunities; they thereby combine opportunistic choices within an ontological framework underpinning the overall mission goal. Missions need to ‘build the tracks while driving the train’, this means to develop novel tools and methodology in parallel to driving concrete action towards measurable improvements in cancer.

We act as a convenor and catalyst for action to create change in the health eco-system.

  • We provide a North Star, a shared direction to aim for.

  • We enable dynamic and flexible collaboration across organisational boundaries.

  • We contribute to generate renewal of entire system through a mission-oriented way of working.

  • We work with a holistic perspective on health and care in five target areas: prevention, early detection, quality of life, clinical trials and innovation.


Vision Zero Cancer is a 5-year innovation ecosystem established in Sweden 2019, financed by Vinnova, Sweden’s innovation agency and coordinated by SIR,​ Stockholm School of Economics Institute for Research at House of Innovation. Our objective is to provide a national contact point for system innovation that contributes to reduce the incidence of cancer and to transform cancer from a life-threatening into a treatable or chronic disease in Sweden and globally. Vision Zero Cancer is one out of 5 mission-driven innovation milieus in health in Sweden. The concept builds on the tradition and success of "Zero Death in Traffic", a Swedish innovation project launched in 1997 that resulted in a world-wide movement with the same goal and which is widely cited as the inspiration for mission-driven innovation approaches.

An important role to play!

Vision Zero Cancer has an important role to play as change does not happen by itself. Within the innovation environment, we focus on critical enablers such as precision medicine, data and diagnostics and ensure that different types of actors meet and collaborate in new path-breaking constellations and in new ways. We ensure that actions are carried out across the entire cancer spectrum with the vision zero as the common goal to transform the care system in a sustainable, equitable and efficient way.

Following a classic pentahelix model, Vision Zero Cancer acts as the neutral facilitator which convenes, connects and enables national and international actors from the academic, public sector, private sector and civil society to catalyse concrete actions that lead to measurable improvements in cancer.

Vision-driven health

House of Innovation

