Vision-driven health

Vinnova funds and supports long-term, visionary innovation milieus that engage actors across society to jointly make a difference to citizens’ health. The first five vision-driven innovation milieus in health were established in November 2019. Vision Zero Cancer is one of them. 


There are major challenges in the field of health that are driven by medical advances, digitalisation and demographic change. In addition, there are increased expectations from patients and citizens in matters of accessibility and influence. Structural and systematic change work to open up locks and strengthen opportunities in today's health systems will be needed to bring about long-term system changes, system innovation, in ecosystems for health.

The first five vision-driven innovation milieus in health were established in November 2019. Vision Zero Cancer is one of them. The Swedish Innovation Agency Vinnova finances the innovation milieus with a total of SEK 125 million over five years. The goal is for these collaborations to live on after Vinnova's funding ends.

Vinnova helps to build Sweden’s innovation capacity, contributing to sustainable growth. Their vision is that Sweden is an innovative force in a sustainable world.. Read more >>>

In 2019 Vinnova awarded funding to the establishment of five vision-driven innovation milieus

Vision Zero Cancer

The innovation milieu Nollvision Cancer is to be a national contact point for system innovation that contributes to reducing the incidence of cancer and transforming cancer from a fatal to a curable or chronic disease in Sweden and globally.

Advanced Therapy Medical Products

ATMP Sweden is a national coordination and communication network aimed at accelerating patient access to safe and effective medicines based on recombinant genes, live cells an/or tissue engineering. Read more >>>

Information-driven Healthcare through AI Application

This strategic initiative supports Swedish healthcare organizations to develop AI solutions. The goal is to offer more information-driven, personalized and scalable healthcare. It takes place in a close partnership between public, private and academic healthcare parties. Read more >>>

Antibiotic Smart Sweden

Antibiotic Smart Sweden is driven by a vision of a society where everyone helps to keep antibiotics working and saving lives, based on the understanding that antibiotic resistance is not just a medical issue, but a public health issue that is relevant to the whole of society. Read more >>>

The ZeroVision for Malnutrition in the Elderly

The majority of the 2 million Swedes who are the elderly than 65 years live at home. Too many of these are or are at risk of becoming malnourished. Malnutrition among the elderly causes great personal suffering and costs society enormous sums annually. Read more >>>