The event was a special gathering for all of us who have been part of Vision Zero Cancer since its inception five years ago. Together, we reflected on our journey, showcased the environment we've created and the many projects we've delivered in line with our vision.
We highlighted the launch of sister environments and other exciting outcomes. We came together to look back on our achievements and united around future aspirations for Vision Zero Cancer.
Vision Zero Cancer celebrated its five-year journey on February 3, 2025, in Stockholm. The event highlighted successes, challenges, and future goals as the organization looked toward new horizons.
THANK YOU to everyone who has been part of Vision Zero Cancer's 5-year journey in Vinnova's Vision Driven Health program! As a prelude to World Cancer Day, 100 people gathered at Forskaren to celebrate Vision Zero Cancer's 5th anniversary. Our co-founder Björn Arvidsson moderated the event. The evening began with opening remarks from Chairman Kjell Ivarsson and Vice Chairman Eva Jolly.
Ebba Hallersjö Hult, co-founder and leader, introduced mission-driven innovation and guided participants through presentations highlighting successes in key areas and flagship initiatives: early lung cancer detection, mission radiotherapy, Testbed Sweden Precision Health Cancer, development of the VizCan visualization tool, and a new report on advanced cancer treatments at home.
The presentations were followed by discussions with various collaboration partners about the importance of cooperation, results, and lessons learned from Vision Zero Cancer. Hans Hägglund, former national cancer coordinator and initiator of Vision Zero Cancer, wrapped up the formal program before the evening continued with mingling accompanied by jazz music performed by students from Södra Latin High School.
Stage participants included: Kjell Ivarsson, Eva Jolly, Björn Arvidsson, Ebba Hallersjö Hult, Suzanne Håkansson, Elinor Nemlander, Elin Fernholm, Nils Wilking, Anders Berglund, Therese Lindé, Richard Rosenquist Brandell, Daniel Ågren, Margareta Haag, Karin Liljelund, Anna Essén, Patrik Rossi, Emelie Antoni, Gustaf Salford, and Hans Hägglund.
We extend our gratitude to Zero Vision Cancer's coordinating partners: Stockholm School of Economics, AstraZeneca, Elekta, Roche, Karolinska University Hospital, Karolinska Institutet, Regional Cancer Centers in Collaboration, Region Jönköping County, Ung Cancer, and our close collaboration partners Reform Society, Lung Cancer Association, SLUSG, Institute for Futures Studies, Network Against Cancer, Genomic Medicine Sweden, SciLifeLab, Swedish Cancer Society, The Swedish Association of the Pharmaceutical Industry (LIF), Business Sweden, and Swecare.
Additional Program Highlights:
Suzanne Håkansson introduced our work on early lung cancer detection, and Elinor Nemlander presented her dissertation showing how AI and symptom analysis can help primary care detect cancer early.
Elin Fernholm shared the development journey of the VizCan visualization tool, with demonstrations by developers Nils Wilking and Anders Berglund.
Therese Lindé discussed cross-border collaborations and significant export achievements in mission radiotherapy.
Richard Rosenquist Brandell presented our work in precision medicine, including the TestBed Sweden Precision Health Cancer project and the FOCU.SE clinical study.
Eva Jolly highlighted spin-offs and synergies in ecosystem development and mission-driven innovation.
Daniel Ågren presented our latest feasibility study on advanced cancer treatments at home.
The evening concluded with perspectives from various stakeholders on collaboration importance and lessons learned, featuring discussions with patient representatives, healthcare providers, and industry partners.
Hans Hägglund and Ebba Hallersjö Hult concluded the evening by thanking all contributors from the past five years before the celebration continued with jazz music and networking.
A short film with personal interviews of several stakeholders during the celebration of Vision Zero Cancer's 5-year anniversary
A slideshow of Vision Zero Cancer past 5 years
Core team Vision Zero Cancer