Brace Yourself for Impact - in Precision Medicine Implementation
On April 23rd-24th, Vision Zero Cancer/ SIR will be at the Nordic Precision Medicine Forum in Stockholm and organise a workshop on impact assessment frameworks for Precision Medicine implementation
Facilitated by the EFIS Centre, the outcome of the "Brace Yourself for Impact - Impact models for Precision Medicine Implementation" workshop will be the first out of three impact model for ECHoS, the EU Cancer Mission hubs, and serve as a case study and prototype for how communities can self-assess the impact of their efforts in beating cancer. In true spirit of the EU Cancer mission, the workshop draws on diverse expertise- from mission-driven innovation and change in complex systems over impact assessment framework design to how to implement equitable and sustainable precision medicine- and is a co-production of Vision Zero Cancer, MPNE, ECHoS, PCM4EU, PRIME-ROSE with the generous support of the Precision Medicine Forum!
Nordic Precision Medicine Forum 22-23 April 2024 | Stockholm
Firmly established as the leading Precision Medicine meeting in the Nordic region, since 2016 the conference has brought together the leading experts from government, industry, technology, research, and healthcare to share knowledge and connect. In 2024 these experts in the field of Precision Medicine will come together once more in Stockholm for the Nordic Precision Medicine Forum.
ECHoS (Establishing Cancer Mission Hubs: Networks and Synergies) is a project aiming to ensure the implementation of the Cancer Mission activities in all member states by establishing and developing Cancer Mission Hubs operating at national, regional, and local levels.
Personalised Cancer Medicine for Europe, PCM4EU, is a project under the Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan by EU4Health. PCM4EU is about facilitating implementation of molecular cancer diagnostics for precision oncology, and the consortium consists of partners from altogether 15 countries across Europe.
A European precision cancer medicine trial network and implementation initiative funded by the EU Cancer Mission. The PRIME-ROSE project builds on a bottom-up, clinician-initiated family of PCM clinical trials which have been particularly successful in bringing up inclusion rates to offer additional lines of treatment and in providing patient benefit.
European Future Innovation System Centre
European Future Innovation System (EFIS) Centre is a not-for-profit (ASBL) policy lab established in December 2014. Their experts have vast experience in all aspects of research and innovation (R&I) policy and ecosystem governance. EFIS challenge the status quo with new policy and practice insights, concepts, methodologies, and analysis. We are committed to helping public sector decision-makers design and implement the R&I systems of the future.
The Melanoma Patient Network Europe, MPNE, is a European patient network working mission-driven across country and language borders to make a difference for patients. One of MPNE's particular interests is the development of methodology and tools for patient-centric research and innovation.