ECHoS (Establishing Cancer Mission Hubs: Networks and Synergies) is a project aiming to ensure the implementation of the Cancer Mission activities in all member states by establishing and developing Cancer Mission Hubs operating at national, regional, and local levels.



ECHoS, is a new European consortium supported by the EU Mission on Cancer which will play a vital role in supporting the ambitious goals of the Mission. Gathering the experience and expertise of 58 leading organisations from government, health, research and innovation, academia and non-profit sectors, the consortium will support member states and associated countries to gradually create National Cancer Mission Hubs (NCMHs). These NCMHs will be essential in involving all relevant stakeholders to engage them in collaborative initiatives and policy dialogues on cancer at national and regional levels.

Main objectives

The primary aim of ECHoS (Establishing of Cancer Mission Hubs: Networks and Synergies) is to support the implementation of the Cancer Mission activities in all member states and associated countries through the establishment and development of Cancer Mission Hubs operating at national, regional and local levels.

To help delivering Cancer Mission, ECHoS has defined equally ambitious set of general and specific objectives:

  1. To promote the creation of National Cancer Mission Hubs in MS/AC

  2. To establish a network of support to advance Cancer Mission across Europe

  3. To create synergies for the implementation of the Cancer Mission with other European initiatives towards a “Cancer in all” approach

  4. To create the foundations for a European network of NCMHs by developing a business continuity and operations model framework


Community 365 European Cancer Organisation


“Breaking new ground on all fronts” – Oncology in Sweden about Vision Zero Cancer