Great to be involved in not one but actually two European sister projects!

Great to be involved in not one but actually two European sister projects to Testbed Sweden Precision Health Cancer, both aiming for broad and equitable implementation of Precision Medicine in Europe, building on a growing group of DRUP-Like Clinical Trials.

Each project tackles a different challenge: PCM4EU - Personalised Cancer Medicine for all EU citizens for access to molecular diagnostics- no precision diagnostic, no precision treatment- and #PRIMEROSE (to start in July 2023) with access to matched therapies- molecular testing needs to be followed by matched therapies to make a difference for patients.

Thanks to Hans Gelderblom and Kjetil Tasken for the coordination - the amount of work is enormous, so very much appreciated 🙏 🙏 - and for bringing everyone together in the first place! #VisionZeroCancer #EUCancerMission #BECA


The first PCM4EU podcast episodes are live!


We are delighted to be part the PCM4EU project!