Impact Innovation: Prevention 360

Prevention 360 is a prestudy by Vision Zero Cancer together with AI Sweden, Informationsdriven Vård, Prevention Barnfetma and Fokus Patient.


The view of maintaining health in individuals and populations needs to evolve; from reactive and general to proactive, precise, and informed. A society that remains in good health by intervening in early tailored ways minimizes the need for resource-intensive health care, as well as freeing up resources of high-quality care for those who need it. 

About the project

Prevention 360 is a prestudy by Vision Zero Cancer together with AI Sweden, Informationsdriven Vård, Prevention Barnfetma and Fokus Patient.

Through a data-driven approach, both individuals and societal actors, municipalities and regions, can act in an informed and proactive manner with targeted interventions to promote health and counteract the deterioration of health, while in parallel giving the individual new ways to take responsibility for their health. This is important for improved health throughout society, both for the individual as well as for societal actors like regions and municipalities and to increase resource efficiency.

With a broad and highly relevant network of experienced and capable partners, and a vibrant scope from clinical needs, research, technology development and implementation in society, we will work mission-oriented and with mobilizing all sectors throughout society.

The national innovation networks together with a patient organization aim to develop the next Strategic Innovation Program.

  • Prevention 360 is a prestudy from February to October 2023.

  • AI Sweden, Nollvision Cancer, Informationsdriven Vård, Prevention Barnfetma and Fokus Patient.

  • The call was funded by Vinnova, Formas and Energimyndigheten.


Cancer Rehabilitation with Precision – How do we create conditions for maximum health and quality of life?


Vision Zero Cancer are proud to be a part of Community 365