LAUNCH: Welcome to the PRIME-ROSE LinkedIn site!

We are excited to be part of the growing DLCT (DRUP-Like Clinical Trial) Community and are looking forward to start working on the implementation of precision medicine for all patients in Europe!

The PRIME-ROSE project is funded by #HorizonEU #MissionCancer, starts July 1, and will run for 5 years. Its aim is to connect open, place-based innovation ecosystems for precision cancer medicine based on DRUP-like clinical trials (DLCTs) in Europe. Each DLCT ecosystem consists of PCM diagnostics, a national DLCT-type trial and support by a multi-stakeholder, pentahelix ecosystem. Connecting DLCT ecosystems will help rapidly spread PCM expertise across Europe and result in more patients having access to PCM. We are excited to get started!


Join us for the EU Cancer Mission Day - Ireland, advancing the fight against cancer and improving lives.
