Proactivity and prevention in achieving the Vision Zero

Improving people's living habits is a prerequisite for achieving the vision of zero, which is why we gathered a number of actors from different parts of society for a workshop on prevention related to lung cancer.

The aim was clear: to exchange experiences and put organisations and initiatives on the map to find potential cross-border ways of working together in lung cancer prevention. The breadth of knowledge around prevention ranged from smoking, alcohol, environment impact and diet to the means of technology, the challenges of health care, human motivation and politics.

Discussion groups formulated ideas and possible initiatives with the aim of helping to reduce the number of deaths from cancer. A strong need was highlighted in getting more people to quit smoking, fewer young people and school-age children starting out and also seeing how tougher regulation of the tobacco market can be made possible. At the same time, knowledge needs to increase among people about how your surrounding environment, how much you move and what you eat can significantly affect your risks of getting cancer. The meeting agreed that the focus we can direct on prevention issues today in the form of concrete actions and measures will be repaid in both saved lives and financial savings at societal level in the future.  

By gathering through a unique point of contact such as Vision Zero cancer, high hopes were expressed to spark a social debate and create the innovation needed to take a holistic approach to cancer prevention and change people's behavior.

The workshop storyboard, participants and ideas (pdf, swedish only)


Europe´s Beating Cancer Plan


How lung cancer can be detected and diagnosed earlier in Sweden