SweConnect, a Public-Private Partnership

A Public-Private Partnership focusing on implementation of precision health in cancer in Sweden is under establishment. SweConnect will be project managed by Vision Zero Cancer in collaboration with Genomic Medicine Sweden (GMS).

SweConnect, the Public-Private Partnership is modelled on the Norwegian CONNECT but optimized for the Swedish context.

This collaboration will, as one of its focus areas, capture and enable innovation based on findings and learnings resulting from the National DRUP-like PCM Study. This collaboration will thus be an arena for discussions on novel implementation strategies for Precision Cancer Medicine in Sweden.

Testbed Sweden is well equipped to function as an environment where the insights and proof needed by providers, payers and regulators will be generated. But to generate impactful innovation, industry partners need to be invited to co-create an ecosystem that reflects the necessary and complex interactions in the value chain necessary for the realization of implementation of Precision Health and Precision Cancer Medicine in Sweden.

By working together across disciplines and sectors, the Partnership can generate and balance the unavoidable friction in converging diverse types of expertise, technologies, and resources to ensure the implementation. Successfully handled, the ability to act on the future as it emerges in the present will be built into the process of transforming the cancer care health system. 

The stakeholders will convene in working groups which directly support and further develops the Work Package structure of Testbed Sweden Precision Health Cancer. The initial focus is to exchange knowledge- and experience.


Workshop on "Measuring Impact" at House of Innovation


Implementation of precision cancer medicine and economic evaluation for HTA