Sweden Innovation Days January 2022

We need to innovate how we innovate

Sweden Innovation Days 2022 was a free four-day, global digital event, dedicated to fostering international collaboration on 17-20 January. What changes need to be made in order to achieve the UN’s Global Goals? We need to innovate how we innovate! You can now relive all of the keynotes, panel discussions and interviews as well as a great range of deep dives with the fantastic experts that attended the event.

If we are going to reach the UN’s Global Goals and Agenda 2030, we need to innovate in the broadest sense. Whether you are a startup, intermediary or corporate, working in the public sector, civil society, academia or a government agency, there is something at this event for everyone. We all need to be part of the innovation journey.

The societal challenge of cancer demands new ways of working – at Vision Zero Cancer we work mission-driven towards the vision that no people should die as a result of cancer and more people should live longer and better with finance from the Swedish Innovation Agency (Vinnova) and together with actors along the entire trajectory and ecosystem. 

Sweden Innovation Days take place on the 17th – 20th of January 2022. Day 2 of the conference will take a deep dive into how innovation and collaboration are needed to achieve several of the Global Goals and the theme around: 'Preventative health and well-being'.

Head of Vision Zero Cancer Ebba Hallersjö Hult together with Magnus R. Björsne (PhD, MBA, Assoc. Prof. Executive Director at AstraZeneca BioVentureHub) speak on "The magic of collaboration – Joining forces for the future to reach UN SDG 3".

In parallel to this and Sweden at Expo 2020 in Dubai, the Swedish Innovation Agency is arranging an international seminar on the 18th of January where Dan Hill (Director of Strategic Design at the Swedish Innovation Agency) will speak about the agency’s mission driven work and launch the new publication "Mission-oriented innovation in Sweden – a practice guide by Vinnova".


A healthy life needs a radiant future!


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