Webinarium 12/12 about Molecular Tumor Board Portal
Molecular Tumour Board Portal – decision support system for omics data in cancer treatment and clinical studies.
Presenters: Janne Lehtiö och Edvard Abel
Date: Thursday, 12 December at 12:00
Location: Zoom – Link: https://ki-se.zoom.us/j/67462997267
Registration: No prior registration required
The Molecular Tumor Board Portal (MTBP) has been developed within Janne Lehtiö's lab at Karolinska Institutet and serves as a decision support system for patient inclusion in the Basket of Baskets (BoB) study, conducted as part of the Cancer Core Europe collaboration. This autumn, efforts are underway in partnership with Karolinska Sjukhuset, GMS, and Testbed Sweden to ensure that the MTBP complies with all regulatory requirements for both clinical use and the forthcoming FOCU.SE study.
FOCU.SE is a DRUP-like study designed to match patients with targeted therapies outside their current indications based on comprehensive genomic profiling. The seminar will provide information on how the MTBP functions and its intended application within the FOCU.SE study.
For further information regarding the MTBP, please refer to Karolinska – MTBP and the article titled "The Molecular Tumor Board Portal supports clinical decisions and automated reporting for precision oncology" published in Nature Cancer.
Organisers: GMS and Testbed Sweden.