Why we start with lung cancer

Lung cancer is one of the cancers where the fewest patients survive. In Sweden, every year, nearly 4,000 people are diagnosed. Almost as many die. Therefore, innovations in cancer control can make a big difference.

- It is possible to save many lives, says Suzanne Håkansson from AstraZeneca, who is part of the core team for the recently established Swedish innovation milieu Vision Zero Cancer. So we have chosen to focus on lung cancer the first two years, and hope that we can learn a lot.  Which we can then apply to other diseases and cancers.

Suzanne hopes that Vision Zero Cancer within those years has been involved in actions that are solving both minor and larger problems. That the innovation milieu has contributed to a national level of ambition and national cooperation; and of course, created results for the patients.

It is possible to save many lives.

Only 20% of patients diagnosed with the most common form of lung cancer live after five years. The diagnosis often comes too late.

–Lung cancer is often detected as metastases in the brain, in stage four. Before that, the cancer may look like migraines, fatigue, depression. We need to identify the symptoms earlier and faster. That way we can save many lives.

Only 20% of patients diagnosed with the most common form of lung cancer live after five years. The diagnosis often comes too late.
– Lung cancer is often detected as metastases in the brain, in stage four. Before that, the cancer may look like migraines, fatigue, depression. We need to identify the symptoms earlier and faster. That way we can save many lives.

Diagnosis could be faster through screening, or new ways of analyzing the symptoms. However, the most effective way to get fewer people to die from lung cancer is to work proactively – tobacco smoking is behind a large proportion of cases. But everyone already knows it is dangerous to smoke. The cigarettes give something else. Comfort, reward, something to do. You choose to enjoy now and suffer later. Suzanne thinks we need to look more at behavior science.
– How people view risk in the short and long term, where we can learn from other industries. Like retirement savings and insurance. How do they work there?

How people view risk in the short and long term, where we can learn from other industries. Like retirement savings and insurance. How do they work there?

Vision Zero Cancer is based on different professions and actors working together for a common vision. That no one should have to die of cancer. Everyone should contribute with their skills and perspectives to find solutions that give the best results for patients, relatives and society. Companies working for early detection. AI that detects symptoms. Technology companies looking to innovate rehabilitation and survivorship.
– It is by talking to each other that we find the medical advances. There are many professions involved in cancer care, all of which


Vision Zero Cancer brings together actors to improve care