All about Cancer Mission Day on June 27 in Almedalen

Cancer is a global societal challenge. To meet it, we need to create better conditions for implementing new knowledge, new methods, and interventions. We need to think anew and adopt a holistic perspective on health. We need to collaborate in new ways between healthcare, industry, and civil society.

A mission-oriented approach contributes to system change. During Almedalen 2024, Cancer Mission Day was organized, a day dedicated to exploring innovative collaborations to develop and strengthen cancer prevention, treatment, and quality of life. With a mix of seminars, workshops, and networking, it was arranged by Vision Zero Cancer and Testbed Sweden Precision Health Cancer in collaboration with actors such as All.Can, the Swedish Cancer Society, Genomic Medicine Sweden, Regional Cancer Centers in collaboration, SciLifeLab, and Young Cancer.

Access all the material here!


Health-economic evaluation of precision medicine in cancer care – literature review and analysis of methodological considerations


Brace Yourself for Impact - in Precision Medicine Implementation